
Air Force Space Command, and now Space Force, play a key role as customer to AF TENCAP. A major
Space Project success was called Talon SHIELD, initiated after missile warning shortfalls were identified
during Desert Storm. Talon SHIELD development and deployment was so successful, that the Air Force
Space Command generated a program of record operational capability, resulting in the standup of a new
Missile Warning unit, armed with SHIELD capability. Established in 1994, this unit and SHIELD capability
evolves with changing threats, and today is part of Space Delta 4, US Space Force.
Was an alternate Position, Navigation, and Timing (Alt-PNT) project that
exploits space-based radio frequency (RF) signals of opportunity (no a priori
knowledge) and uses time difference of arrival calculations between a ground
reference system (GRS) and an airborne reference system (ARS) to a real time
alt-navigation solution. Talon SILENCE utilizes various satellite
constellations as source data and leverages existing, on-board, apertures to
maximum extent possible to minimize integration time and cost. Talon SILENCE was
demonstrated on SOCOM aircraft in CONUS, OCONUS, and in live-jamming
environments, while providing operationally acceptable position accuracy
utilizing signals in multiple RF bands.
The history of THRESHER began with a warfighter request from what is now
INDOPACOM for the development of a new system to help gain air domain
awareness (ADA) of airborne threats in the Pacific region. AF TENCAP designed
an agile unique solution with a blend of Title 10 (armed force) and Title 50
(intelligence) data and tradecraft to produce what is now a world-wide air
domain awareness system. It has since garnered recognition as an innovative
approach to ADA and software development within the IC and DoD communities alike.
This technology started with a few ideas about how to produce a low-cost
software system that worked in near real-time, something that no other
system could do, while at the same time robust enough to be scaled larger and
accessible by many users to collaborate. AFTENCAP and the IC worked closely
using rapid acquisition techniques and an agile developer to incrementally build
the system into what is THRESHER today. The success was largely due in part
to the partnership of aviation domain subject matter experts with the IC
community and software coders to rapidly identify, prioritize and develop
features that actually mattered to the warfighter. The system now has
thousands of world-wide users, operates 24/7, and now includes
newly added Maritime domain awareness information as well.
THRESHER is unique in that it is a cloud-based system with air domain fusion
engine, using "Big Data" to improve tracking and identification of aircraft on
an industrial scale, meaning thousands of air tracks at a time. There is no
need to install, maintain, or update software for each of the thousands of
users across the Intelligence Community, DoD and others. Another unique
feature of THRESHER is that it operates at multiple classification levels to
provide a comprehensive, integrated and tactically-relevant air picture with
analytic tools to identify and understand theater air operations. This was
done with smart policy advocacy, across multiple agencies, and with the trust that
AFTENCAP built with multiple partners.
THRESHER is Government off the shelf (GOTS), Intelligence Community (IC)
Information Technology Enterprise (ITE) ready, and Public Key Infrastructure
(PKI) enabled, with zero user base subscription costs. However,
it brings to bear an incredible Situational Awareness (SA) enhancement
capability which users can leverage, along with other tools and techniques, to
stay relevant across the globe in an ever-changing information domain
POP-I was a machine learning (ML) effort tackling big data processing of specialized
data. Rapid fusion customer comments at close out included, "What normally takes 6 hours of
analytical manpower can be done by the POPI capability in 1 minute," and
"Talon POPI is helping to solve a big data problem that the IC has struggled with for 20 years."